Barbara Zorica

Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Laboratory of Fisheries Science and Management of Pelagic and Demersal Resources
My research is mainly related to the biology and ecology of pelagic fish species – reproduction, feeding ecology, growth and population dynamics. For the last couple of years, I have devoted myself to sampling and studying fish early life stages (ichthyoplankton - eggs, larvae) in order to expand our knowledge regarding its spawning and nursery grounds.
2008–2009 PhD - Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2000–2003 Master of science - Oceanology, Faculty of science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1994-1999 Graduate Engineer – Fisheries technology, Faculty of the Marine studies, University of Split, Croatia
Professional Experience:
2016-now - Senior research associate
2011-2016 - Research associate
2010-2011 - Postdoctoral researcher
2008-2009 - PhD student
2002-2008 - Associate