Split, Croatia
Local time: 2025-03-26 12:13 AM CET

Split, Croatia
43.5000° N, 16.4333° E

2025-03-26  2:20 AM CET   0.36 meters  High Tide
2025-03-26  4:26 AM CET   Moonrise
2025-03-26  5:46 AM CET   Sunrise
2025-03-26  9:08 AM CET   0.02 meters  Low Tide
2025-03-26  2:34 PM CET   Moonset
2025-03-26  3:29 PM CET   0.30 meters  High Tide
2025-03-26  6:14 PM CET   Sunset
2025-03-26  8:57 PM CET   0.12 meters  Low Tide
2025-03-27  2:54 AM CET   0.36 meters  High Tide
2025-03-27  4:50 AM CET   Moonrise
2025-03-27  5:44 AM CET   Sunrise
2025-03-27  9:27 AM CET   0.00 meters  Low Tide
2025-03-27  3:49 PM CET   0.34 meters  High Tide
2025-03-27  3:53 PM CET   Moonset
2025-03-27  6:15 PM CET   Sunset
2025-03-27  9:35 PM CET   0.09 meters  Low Tide
2025-03-28  3:26 AM CET   0.36 meters  High Tide
2025-03-28  5:13 AM CET   Moonrise
2025-03-28  5:43 AM CET   Sunrise
2025-03-28  9:49 AM CET  -0.01 meters  Low Tide
2025-03-28  4:14 PM CET   0.38 meters  High Tide
2025-03-28  5:13 PM CET   Moonset
2025-03-28  6:16 PM CET   Sunset
2025-03-28 10:13 PM CET   0.07 meters  Low Tide
2025-03-29  3:58 AM CET   0.35 meters  High Tide
2025-03-29  5:35 AM CET   Moonrise
2025-03-29  5:41 AM CET   Sunrise
2025-03-29 10:11 AM CET  -0.01 meters  Low Tide
2025-03-29 12:00 PM CET   New Moon
2025-03-29  4:42 PM CET   0.40 meters  High Tide
2025-03-29  6:17 PM CET   Sunset
2025-03-29  6:34 PM CET   Moonset
2025-03-29 10:52 PM CET   0.07 meters  Low Tide

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About this station

NameSplit, Croatia
In file/usr/share/xtide/harmonics.tcd
Coordinates43.5000° N, 16.4333° E
Time zone:Europe/Zagreb
Native unitsmeters
RestrictionNon-commercial use only
CommentsMerged from harmonics.
This data set was submitted by Jean-Pierre LaPointe
(scipur@collegenotre-dame.qc.ca) 1996-11-29
The source was the Table des Marees des Grands Ports du Monde, No. 540,
from the Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine - Paris,
B.P. 426, 29275 Brest Cedex.

rel_pedigree: 1250000000 (Via LaPointe)
TypeReference station, tide
DatumMean Lower Low Water


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  The author assumes no liability for damages arising from use of these predictions.  They are not certified to be correct, and they do not incorporate the effects of tropical storms, El Niño, seismic events, subsidence, uplift, or changes in global sea level.

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