
  1. Damir Ivanković, Vlado Dadić, Dalibor Jelavić i Ivan Vučić; Visualization of Spatial data from numerical models and real-time stations network using Google Map API v3; Conference proceedings GIS ODYSSEY 2017; ISSN 2459-7627
  2. Ivan Vučić, Damir Ivanković i Vlado Dadić; Implementation of INSPIRE compliant spatial marine data and metadata management catalog using GEONETWORK; Conference proceedings GIS ODYSSEY 2017; ISSN 2459-7627
  3. Damir Ivanković , Ljiljana Šerić; Operational eddy detection in measurements ofhigh-frequency radar surface sea currents vectors field; Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop (CCVW); ISSN: 1849-1227; Sixth Croatian Computer Vision Workshop (CCVW 2017)
  4. Ivica Vilibić, Jadranka Šepić, Hrvoje Mihanović, Hrvoje Kalinić, Simone Cosoli, Ivica Janeković, Nedjeljka Žagar, Blaž Jesenko, Martina Tudor, Vlado Dadić, Damir Ivanković Self-Organizing Maps-based ocean currents forecasting system Scientific Reports | Published online 2016 Mar 16. doi: 10.1038/srep22924
  5. Damir Ivanković , Vlado Dadić , Stipe Muslim Database based Operational Eddy Detection in High-Frequency Radar Surface Velocities Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, ISSN: 0006-6729 Vol. 57, supplement, International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Gdansk (Poland) - October 11-13, 2016, stranice 214-215
  6. Vlado Dadić, Damir Ivanković, Stipe Muslim, Gordana Beg Paklar, Dalibor Jelavic Oceanographic system to control the impact of construction works in the sea in a sensitive coastal area - Case Study Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, ISSN: 0006-6729 Vol. 57, supplement, International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Gdansk (Poland) - October 11-13, 2016, stranice 45-47
  7. Damir Ivanković , Vlado Dadić , Dalibor Jelavić, Stipe Muslim, Toni Mašće Supervision of Construction Works at Sea using automatic Meteo-Oceanographic station ELMAR 2016 proceedings
  8. Ivan Vučić, Damir Ivanković , Vlado Dadić WebGIS application as a tool for querying WMS parametrized layers GIS Odysseyy proceedings
  9. Bruniecki, K; Chybicki, A; Dadić, V; Gržetić, Z; Ivanković,D; Kulawiak, M.; Zbigniew Łubniewski, Z; Sobieraj, A; Styblińska, M;Vučić, I; Wieczorek,B. (2015.) GIS and Water Resources, knjiga, V. Dadic (Eds). Croatian Information Technology Society, GIS Forum, Croatia, 96 p.
  10. Kalinic, H; Jelavic, D; Ivankovic, D; Basic, J; Muslim, S; Marasovic, S; Dadic, V An integrated remotely controlled oceanographic measuring station; 2015 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS (MIPRO); Pages: 442-446; Published: 2015
  11. Bilozor, A; Cichocinski, P; Cieslak, I; Dadić, V, Dawidowich, K; Ivanković, D; Gerus, Malgorzata; Hanus, P; Kowalzik Anna, Kowalzyk, K; Krzuzek,R; Parzucy, P; Szunewicz, K; Vucic,I. (2014.) GIS and Geodesy, knjiga, 78p. P. Parzych (Eds). Croatian Information Technology Society, GIS Forum, Croatia; University of Warmia and Mazury, Olstyn and University of Silesia, Poland. 78 p.
  12. Vilibić, I., Žagar, N., Cosoli, S., Dadić, V., Ivanković, D., ,Jesenko, B., Kalinić, H., Mihanović, H., Šepić, J., Tudor, M., 2014. Using Self-Organizing Maps in creation of an ocean forecasting system. AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, San Francisco, NG23C-07.
  13. Vilibić, I., Žagar, N., Cosoli, S., Dadić, V., Horvath, K., Ivanković, D., Jesenko, B., Mihanović, H., Šepić, J., Tudor, M., 2014. Investigating and forecasting coastal Adriatic surface currents by using neural networks (NEURAL). Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, EGU2014-1724.
  14. Ivanković, Damir; Vučić, Ivan; Dadić, Vlado (2013.) Using GeoServer and spatial database for receiving and analyzing of georeferenced data, Međunarodna konferencija “IMDIS 2013”, Lucca (Italija) 23.-25. rujna 2013.
  15. Vilibić, I., Monserrat, S., Amores, A., Dadić, V., Fine, I., Horvath, K., Ivanković, D., Marcos, M., Mihanović, H., Pasquet, S., Rabinovich, A.B., Šepić, J., Strelec Mahović, N., Whitmore, P., 2012. Meteorological tsunamis along the U.S. coastline, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, EGU2012-2601.
  16. Mihanović, Hrvoje; Cosoli, Simone; Vilibić, Ivica; Ivanković, Damir; Dadić, Vlado; Gačić, Miro (2011.) Surface current patterns in the northern Adriatic extracted from high‐frequency radar data using self‐organizing map analysis. // Journal of geophysical research. 116 (2011). Impakt faktor: 3.021
  17. Ivanković, Damir; Vučić, Ivan (2011.) Web presentation of GIS objects on Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries using open source/free tools (OpenLayers & GeoServer), Međunarodna konferencija “ GIS Odyssey 2011” Procedings , ISBN HIZ 953-6129-32-9
  18. Ivanković, Damir; Dadić, Vlado; Bašić, Josip (2010.) Sea bathing water quality on beaches in the Republic of Croatia – web application, Međunarodna konferencija “IMDIS 2010 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Paris (France)”, 29-31 ožujak 2010.
  19. Ivanković Damir; Dadić Vlado (2009.) Web based tools for data manipulation, visualisation and validation with interactive georeferenced graphs Međunarodna konferencija “EGU 2009” Beč, Austrija
  20. Mihanović, H., Cosoli, S., Ivanković, D., Vilibić, I., Dadić, V., Gačić, M., 2009. Preliminary analysis of surface current patterns in the northern Adriatic using Self-Organizing Map analysis of HF radar data. International Radiowave Oceanography Workshop (ROW-9), Split, Croatia, 19-22 May.
  21. Vilibić, I., 2009. Adriatic meteotsunamis: a review and future research directions. International Radiowave Oceanography Workshop (ROW-9), Split, Croatia, 19-22 May.
  22. Vilibić, I., Dadić, V., Ivanković, D., Muslim, S., Šepić, J., Mihanović, H., 2009. Real-time procedures implemented within coastal HF radar system in the northern Adriatic. International Radiowave Oceanography Workshop (ROW-9), Split, Croatia, 19-22 May.
  23. Vilibić, I., Dadić, V., Ivanković, D., Muslim, S., Šepić, J., Mihanović, H., 2009. Real-time procedures implemented within coastal HF radar system in the northern Adriatic. Oceans09 - Balancing Technology with Future Needs, IEEE, Bremen, 1-6.
  24. Dadić, V; Tičina, V; Ivanković, D. Usage of geospatial methods in determination of pelagic fish stock distribution. // Annales of geomagnetics. VI (2008), 1; 49-54.
  25. Damir Ivanković, Vlado Dadić (2008.) Integrated web oriented data management on Institute of oceanography and fisheries, Split, Međunarodna konferencija “IMDIS 2008” Atena, Grčka
  26. Grbec, B, V. Dadić, F. Matić, M. Morović, G. Beg Paklar, D. Ivanković (2007). Surface fluxes and thermohaline variability over the ADRICOSM polygon Pelješac-Vis-Drvenik. Acta.Adriat. 47 (Suppl.): 97-111
  27. Dadić V., and D. Ivankovic (2007). MEDAS system for archiving, visualization and validation of oceanographic data. Berghe, V; Appeltans, W; Costello, M.J and Pissierssens, P (Eds) (2007). Proceedings of “Ocean Biodiveristy Infromatics’: an international conference of marine biodiversity data management, Hamburg, Germany, 29 November - 1 December, 2004. Paris, UNESCO/IOC, VLIZ, BSH, 2007. Vi+192 pp.
  28. Damir Ivanković (2006.) Organizacija i održavanje informatičkog praktikuma - primjeri iz prakse, 8. CARNetova korisnička konferencija “CUC 2006”, 20. do 22. studenog 2006., Dubrovnik,
  29. Vilibić, I., Dadić, V., Ivanković, D., Beg Paklar, G., Čupić, S., 2005. Data consistency of various sea level measuring systems operating in Split, Workshop on Sea Level Variations: Towards an Operational European Sea Level Service, Split, Croatia, Book of Abstracts, 25.
  30. Vilibić, I., Beg Paklar, G., Čupić, S., Dadić, V., Domijan, N., Gržetić, Z., Ivanković, D., Leder, N., Mihanović, H., Orlić, M., Pasarić, M., Pasarić, Z., Srdelić, M., Strinić, G., 2005. Recent sea level activities in Croatia, Workshop on Sea Level Variations: Towards an Operational European Sea Level Service, Split, Croatia, Book of Abstracts, 36.
  31. Orlić, M., Dadić, V., Grbec, B., Leder, N., Beg Paklar, G., Ivanković, N., Marki, A., Matić, F., Mihanović, H., Pasarić, M., Pasarić, Z., Pavić, M., Vilibić, I., 2004. East Adriatic Current in winter and spring 2003. Rapports et proces-verbaux des réunions CIESM, 37, 130.
  32. Dadić V., M. Srdelić and D. Ivanković (2005). GIS usage in planing of marine area assignment – Case study. IEEE conference and exibition OCEANS'05 EUROPE, June 20-23 2005. Brest, France.
  33. Dadić, V., D. Ivankovic (2005). MEDAS database – oceanographic research activities supporting tools. 11th Biennal Conference of EURASLIC, Split, 4 – 6 may 2005. Proceedings: 247-257.
  34. Damir Ivanković, Vlado Dadić (2005.) MEDAS system for Internet presentation, management and validation of Oceanographic metadata and data, 7. CARNetova korisnička konferencija “CUC 2005”, 21. do 23. studenog 2005., Dubrovnik
  35. Dadić V., D. Ivanković and I. Šerić (2004). New capabilities of the automatic system for monitoring of marine environment (AMOS). 46th International symosium Electronics in marine, ELMAR-2004, 16-18 June, Zadar: 460-465.
  36. Dadić, V.; M. Bone, D. Ivanković (2004). Reconstruction of oceanographic spatial fields by numerical model and real-time data acquisition – case Study, In: D. Kereković (ed.). Geographical Information Systems in research & practice. Zagreb 2004, 102-111.
  37. Branka Grbec, Vlado Dadić, Damir Ivanković, Mira Morović, Frano Matić (2001.) The first year of the Automatic Metocean Station Split Marjan-Cape-Preliminary results, Acta Adriatica vol. 42 (1) June 2001, p. 23-34
  38. Damir Ivankovic, Vlado Dadić (2000.) Usage of Web in Presentation of real-time oceanographic data, 2. CARNetova korisnička konferencija “CUC 2000”, 24 do 26. rujna, Zagreb,
  39. Beg-Paklar G., M. Zore-Armanda and V. Dadić (2002). Currents in the Kaštela Bay: Empirical analysis and results of a numerical model. Acta.Adriat. 43(1):33-64.
  40. Dadić, V. and D. Ivanković, (2001). MEDAS system for archiving, visualisation, and validation of oceanographic data. EU MAST programme, MEADR workshop, Trieste, Report: 61-63
  41. Ivanković Damir, Dadić Vlado, Srdelić Mladen (2000.) Marine environmental database of the Adriatic Sea with application for managing and visualisation of data, Međunarodna konferencija “ENVIROSOFT 2000” Bilbao, Španjolska


