WP 0 - Management and coordination of the project
Aims to organise and maintain the scientific and administrative management framework of the Mantis activitiesWP 1 - Stakeholder involvement through a co-creation approach aims to involve stakeholders in a participatory approach aimed at identifying possible technical/governance scenarios to be evaluated using numerical models for their possible effects on target stocks and fisheries in terms of MSY and EAFM targets.
WP 2 - Data compilation and management for modelling
Aims to provide a database for both all the relevant georeferenced data and information for modelling as well as outputs produced by modelling (previously established MMAs, persistent nurseries and spawning grounds, seasonal distribution of the fleets and effort, protected and sensitive habitats, oceanographic models, trawl surveys and catch data).
WP 3 – Modelling of spatial interaction between target species and fisheries including connectivity among Marine Managed Areas
Aims to simulate effects of different management scenarios, based on combinations of different networks of existing and new MMAs and variations in fishing effort on the population dynamics of the target species and fisheries when pursuing the target of MSY within the more general EAFM.
WP 4 - Designing and assessing an optimal management framework for the MMA network
Aims to design and evaluate a management framework including the establishment, maintenance, monitoring and governance of the MMA network, also considering the involvement of the stakeholders (Fishers, NGOs, Public Administrations).
WP 5 ‐ Disseminating results obtained and best practices experienced during the research activities
Aims to disseminate results obtained and best practices experienced during the research activities.