During the meeting of General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Working Group on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (WGVME) that was held in Rome on 28 of February 2018 a project coordinator Fabio Fiorentino and Germana Garofalo from CNR-IAMAC presented main objectives and outcomes of MANTIS project to the participants of the meeting. The participants of the meeting were representatives of all countries involved in the work of GFCM such as representatives of FAO AdriaMed, MedSudMed, EastMed, CopeMed, representatives of DGMARE and different NGOs (WWF, Diaries of the Ocean, Medreact, Worldfish centre, Worldfish centre, IUCN). As the main scope of the meeting was to define Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (WGVME) of the Mediterranean Sea, what is also one of the main objectives of the MANTIS project, presented results of the MANTIS project made a great contribution to this meeting.