Šepić, J., Rabinovich, A. B., Sytov, V., 2017. Odessa tsunami of 27 June 2014: Observations and Numerical Modelling. Pure and Applied Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-017-1729-1
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., Pasarić, M., Orlić, M., 2017. The Adriatic Sea: A long standing laboratory for sea level studies. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 174(10), 3765-3811
Ivanković, D., Dadić, V., Jelavić, D., Vučić, I., 2017. Visualization of spatial data from numerical models and real-time stations networking using GOOGLE map API V3. Geographic Information Systems Conference and Exhibition "GIS ODYSSEY 2017" Conference Proceedings
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., 2017. Global mapping of nonseismic sea level oscillations at tsunami timescales. Scientific Reports, 40818, doi:10.1038/srep40818
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., Rabinovich, A. B., Monserrat, S., 2016. Modern Approaches in Meteotsunami Research and Early Warning. Frontiers in Marine Sciences, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2016.00057
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Monserrat, S., 2016. Quantifying the probability of meteotsunami occurrence from synoptic atmospheric patterns. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2016GL070754
Šepić, J., Međugorac, I., Janeković, I., Dunić, N., Vilibić, I., 2016. Multi-meteotsunami event in the Adriatic Sea generated by atmospheric disturbances of 25-26 June 2014. Pure and Applied Geophysics, doi: 10.1007/s00024-016-1249-4
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Denamiel C., Mihanović, H., Muslim, S., Tudor, M., Ivanković, D., Jelavić, D., Kovačević, V., Mašće, T., Dadić, V., Gačić, M., Horvath, K., Monserrat, S., Rabinovich, A.B., Telišman-Prtenjak, M., 2017. Towards operational meteotsunami early warning system: the Adriatic project MESSI. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Beg Paklar, G., Dadić, V., Denamiel, C., Dunić, N., Džoić, T., Gačić, M., Horvath, K., Ivanković, D., Jelavić, D., Kalinić, H., Kovač, Ž., Kovačević, V., Mašće, T., Matić, F., Međugorac, I., Mihanović, H., Monserrat, S., Muslim, S., Rabinovich, A.B., Telišman-Prtenjak, M., Tudor, M., 2017. Towards an understanding and operational early warning of the Adriatic meteotsunamis: Project MESSI. 4th Coastal and maritime Mediterranean conference CM2, Split, Croatia
Tudor, M., Šepić, J., Vilibič, I., Mihanović, H., Janeković, I., 2017. High-resolution operational NWP for forecasting meteotsunamis. 39th EWGLAM - 24th SRNWP EUMETNET meeting 2017, Reading, UK
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Beg Paklar, G., Dadić, V., Denamiel, C., Dunić, N., Džoić, T., Gačić, M., Horvath, K., Ivanković, D., Jelavić, D., Kalinić, H., Kovač, Ž., Kovačević, V., Mašće, T., Matić, F., Međugorac, I., Mihanović, H., Monserrat, S., Muslim, S., Rabinovich, A.B., Telišman-Prtenjak, M., Tudor, M., 2017. Towards understanding and operational early warning of the Adriatic meteotsunamis: Project MESSI. 1st International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards, Liverpool, UK
Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2017. The Adriatic meteotsunami early warning system: modelling component. 1st International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards, Liverpool, UK
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., 2017. Nonseismic sea level oscillations at tsunami timescales: measurability, relevance and origin. 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly, Cape Town, SAR
Rabinovich, A.B., Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., 2017. Destructive meteorological tsunamis in the world oceans: 2012-2016. 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly, Cape Town, SAR
Ivanković, D., Dadić, V., Jelavić, D., Vučić, I., 2017. Visualization of spatial data from numerical models and real-time stations networking using GOOGLE map API V3. Geographic Information Systems Conference and Exhibition "GIS ODYSSEY 2017", Trento-Vattaro, Italy
Horvath,Kristian; Telisman Prtenjak,Maj; Sepic,Jadranka, 2017: Numerical analysis of a ducted internal gravity-wave package causing an exceptional meteotsunami event in the Adriatic. 34th ICAM conference, Reykjavik, Iceland
Tudor, M., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Mihanović, H., Janeković, I., 2017. Forecasting air pressure disturbances that cause meteotsunamis. 34th ICAM conference, Reykjavik, Iceland
Rabinovich, A.B., 2017. Meteotsunamis worldwide and Impacts. Meteotsunami Forecasting and Warning System for the Laurentian Great Lakes, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Šepić, J., 2017. Meteotsunami forecasting and warning. Meteotsunami Forecasting and Warning System for the Laurentian Great Lakes, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2017. Towards the Adriatic meteotsunami early warning system: modelling strategy and validation. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
Tudor, M., Šepić, J., Janeković, I., 2017. High-resolution operational NWP for forecasting meteotsunamis. Joint 27th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2017, Helsinki, Finland
Candella, R., Fedorova, N., Rabinovich, A. B., Šepić, J., 2017. The 2014 Meteotsunami at Cassino Beach (RS), Brazil. Second Brazilian Symposium on Water Waves, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Rabinovich, A. B., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2017. Meteotsunamis of June 2014 in the Adriatic and northwestern Black Sea: Two amplification mechanisms. 2017 MetMed6 & MI5, Zagreb, Croatia
Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2017. Towards the Adriatic meteotsunami early warning system: modelling strategy and validation. 2017 MetMed6 & MI5, Zagreb, Croatia
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Monserrat, S., 2017. Quantifying the probability of meteotsunami occurrence from synoptic atmospheric patterns. 2017 MetMed6 & MI5, Zagreb, Croatia
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., 2017. Intense high-frequency sea level oscillations at tsunami timescales (meteotsunamis) and their connection to synoptic atmospheric patterns. 2017 MetMed6 & MI5, Zagreb, Croatia
Horvath, K., Telišman-Prtenjak, M., Šepić, J., 2017. Numerical analysis of atmospheric conditions during an exceptional meteotsunami event in the Mediterranean. 2017 MetMed6 & MI5, Zagreb, Croatia
Pellikka, H., Šepić, J., Lehtonen, I., Vilibić, I., 2017. Synoptic features of high-frequency sea level oscillations in the northern Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean. 2017 MetMed6 & MI5, Zagreb, Croatia
Tudor, M., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Mihanović, H., Janeković, I., 2017. High-resolution operational NWP for forecasting meteotsunamis. 2017 MetMed6 & MI5, Zagreb, Croatia
Monserrat, S., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2016. Un índice para evaluar la probabilidad de meteotsunamis (rissagues) a partir de datos sinópticos. XXXII Trobades Científiques de la Mediterrània Josep Miquel Vidal, Spain
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., 2016. Connecting synoptic atmospheric patterns to sea level oscillations at tsunami timescales. 2016 THEMES Workshop, Venice, Italy
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., Denamiel, C., 2016. Modelling of meteorological tsunamis: state-of-the-art, perspectives and challenges. 2016 MonGOOS Workshop, Split, Croatia
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., 2016. Destructive high-frequency sea level oscillations in the Mediterranean and Black Seas:Phenomenology and relevance. 41st CIESM Congress, Kiel, Germany
Šepić, J., Rabinovich, A.B., Sytov, V., 2016. Origin of the "Odessa tsunami" of 27 June 2014: Data assessment and numerical modelling. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2016. Meteotsunamis, destructive tsunami-like waves: from observations and simulations towards a warning system (MESSI). EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., 2016. Sea level oscillations over minute timescales: a global perspective. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
Beg Paklar, G., Šepić, J., Grbec, B., Džoić, T., Kovač, Ž., Ivatek-Šahdan, S., 2016. Interanual variability of the Adriatic Sea Circulation. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
Mihanović, H., Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Denamiel, C., 2017. Jadranski meteotsunami. 5th April 2017, Sobra (Mljet); 6th April 2017, Vela Luka (Korčula), Croatia
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2017. Što MESSI radi u Institutu za oceanografiju i ribarstvo. 5th April 2017, Sobra (Mljet); 24th April 2017, Science Festival, Split, Croatia