The Introductory meeting with stakeholders of the Adriatic
The second Mantis Introductory meeting was held in Ancona, Italy on the 18th of September 2016. In addition to the meeting organizer (WWF), the project coordinator (CNR Mazara) and local project partners (CNR Ancona), other six stakeholders were welcomed to the meeting. These included a representative from FAO-AdriaMed, a representative of the fisheries department of Marche region, a local fisher (trawler) and a representative of a local producers organization (OP San Basso), both part of a recently born network of fishing enterprises from the regions Marche, Abruzzo and Molise (Ma.Mol.Ab), the manager of the Torre del Cerrano MPA and a representative of a consulting society (Progetto Blu)
The main objectives of the meeting were to:- introduce the project to all relevant stakeholders whose activity depend upon the fisheries resources of the Northern Adriatic (GSA 17)
- gather fishers traditional ecological knowledge to validate and integrate scientific information on the distribution of essential fish habitat for 4 target species (Hake, Mullet, Sole and Norway lobster - Merluccius merluccius, Mullus barbatus, Solea solea and Nephrops novergicus respectively) in GSA 17
- gather local stakeholders suggestions on best management actions to improve stocks and fisheries conditions in GSA 17
- collect the compiled questionnaires of stakeholders perceptions and suggestions on fisheries management
- introduce the smartphone application developed within the parallel Minow project to monitor discards.
Report from the meeting you can find here