7th-8th March 2018; National Research Council, Rome 2nd MANTIS General Meeting
28th February 2018; General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Rome MANTIS project was presented on GFCM meeting
11th January 2018; Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split Presentation of MANTIS results to a stakeholders in Split
27th May 2017; Chioggia; The 4th Introductory meeting with stakeholders of the Northern Adriatic
25th May 2017; Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split The 3rd introductory meeting with stakeholders
15th and 16th February 2017; University of Rome Tor Vergata; First General Meeting of MANTIS project
18th of September 2016; Ancona; Introductory meeting with stakeholders of the Adriatic
6th of September 2016; Mazara del Vallo, Sicily; Introductory meeting with stakeholders of the Strait of Sicily
21st of January 2016; Brussels; Joint MPA-Network Projects Kick off meeting
18th and 19th January 2016; Rome; The MANTIS Kick off Meeting
7th-8th March 2018; National Research Council, Rome 2nd MANTIS General Meeting
28th February 2018; General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Rome MANTIS project was presented on GFCM meeting
11th January 2018; Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split Presentation of MANTIS results to a stakeholders in Split
27th May 2017; Chioggia; The 4th Introductory meeting with stakeholders of the Northern Adriatic
25th May 2017; Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split The 3rd introductory meeting with stakeholders
15th and 16th February 2017; University of Rome Tor Vergata; First General Meeting of MANTIS project
18th of September 2016; Ancona; Introductory meeting with stakeholders of the Adriatic
6th of September 2016; Mazara del Vallo, Sicily; Introductory meeting with stakeholders of the Strait of Sicily
21st of January 2016; Brussels; Joint MPA-Network Projects Kick off meeting
18th and 19th January 2016; Rome; The MANTIS Kick off Meeting
The results of the project MANTIS were presented at the First meeting with stakeholders organized by MEDAC as part of the FAIRSEA project. Dr Donata Melaku Canu had a presentation: Connectivity models in the Adriatic sea to support the design of Essential Fish Habitats.
MANTIS project was presented on the 12th International Fisheries, Fishing Equipment, Aquaculture and Sport Fishing Fair (CROFISH) that was organized in Poreč (Istra).