Special Issue
Its time to write...
Two SPECIAL ISSUES on sclerochronology are planned following the 5th International Sclerochronology Conference and there is a different procedure for them:

Submission system opened on August 22nd 2019.
Deadline for submitting manuscript is December 16th 2019. For submission please go to journal web site: estuarine-coastal-and-shelf-science
VERY IMPORTANT: “when you reach the “Article Type” step select VSI: Sclerochronology”
In relation to post acceptance procedure - “Once a manuscript is accepted it goes into production, and will be simultaneously published in the current regular issue and pulled into the online Special Issue. Articles from this Special Issue will appear in different regular issues of the journal, though they will be clearly marked and branded as Special Issue articles”. So there will be no waiting, what I think is quite important, especially for PhD students, post docs and those on tight grant reporting schedules. Guest editors for this issue are Melita Peharda, Karin Limburg and Bernd R. Schöne.
To get Special Issue formally approved we need to submit abstracts of manuscript that we would like to include in it. If you are interested in submitting your manuscript to Paleo3 - please send e-mail to Melita Peharda (melita@izor.hr)
with your Abstract - by September 25th 2019.
Please include title, full names of all co-authors and their affiliation, and text of Abstract that is less then 300 word. For detailed information on Guide for Authors for this journal please see:
Guest editors for this issue are Melita Peharda, Bernd R. Schöne and Bryan Black.
Please note that submission is not limited to work you presented at the conference - it can also be any other research related to the field of Sclerochronology. Submission is also not limited to people that participated at the Conference - so if you know somebody that might be interested in submitting - please spread the information.
If you already know that you would like to submit - can you please send short e-mail to Melita (melita@izor.hr) indicating journal you are interested in submitting and working title. This would help us greatly with planning. Thank you very much for understanding.