The First General Meeting of MANTIS project
The First General Meeting of MANTIS project was held on 15th and 16th February 2017 on the University of Rome Tor Vergata. All partners joined the meeting with the aim to present and discuss the state of the art of MANTIS project, to overview the overall progress on each work package and to define the activities scheduled for the second year of the project. A meeting was closed with a defined plan and the role of each partner in the upcoming work.

- Meeteng agenda (pdf 298kB)
- Presentation - WP 1 - Stakeholder involvement through a co-creation approach (pdf 2.0MB)
- Presentation - WP 2 - State of the art for WP2 (pdf 608kB)
- Presentation - WP 3 - Modelling of spatial interaction between target species and fisheries including connectivity among Marine Managed Areas (pdf 3.9MB)
- Presentation - WP 4 - WP4 task 4.1: scheduled activities (pdf 749kB)
- Presentation - WP 5 - Disseminating results obtained and best practices experienced during the research activities (pdf 971kB)