Two stakeholder meetings were organized in two Adriatic Countries Italy and Croatia. The meetings gathered key stakeholders: local, regional and national authorities, fishers, representatives of local fisheries consortiums, NGOs, as well as scientific bodies and representatives of The Mediterranean Advisory Council.
These meetings were organized with the aim to present the work done within the Workpackage 3 – Modelling of spatial interaction between target species and fisheries including connectivity among Marine Managed Areas in the Strait of Sicily and the Adriatic Sea and to collect feedbacks from stakeholders.
Presentation of WP3: Modelling of spatial interaction between target species and fisheries
Presentation of WP2: Data compilation and data management for modelling

The WWF Italy together with project coordinator Dr Fabio Fiorentino and Dr Tommaso Russo from CoNISMa organized stakeholders meeting in Italy in Porto Palo and in Sciacca while in Croatia (Split) the meeting was organized in cooperation with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries.
The meetings were successful because the stakeholders were very active in giving their feedbacks regarding the presented results of the WP3.