

BiVACME project leader Melita Peharda Uljević delivered an oral presentation with the title „Spatial and temporal variability in environmental δ15N signals – insights from Mytilus galloprovincialis shell and tissue analyses at the 6th International Sclerochronology Conference. Melita was also involved in the organisation of this conference as a member of the Scientific Committee.

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BiVACME post-doctoral researcher Hana Uvanović had a virtual oral presentation at the 6th International Sclerochronology Conference. This was a hybrid conference, with the excellent technical support, that enabled interaction between online and onsite participants.

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PRIMER 7 and PERMANOVA+ workshop

Dr Hana Uvanović participated in PRIMER 7 and PERMANOVA+ workshop that was held at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples, Italy in period 8 - 19 May 2023. PRIMER 7 workshop was held by Dr Paul J. Somerfield (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), while PERMANOVA+ was presented by Distinguished Professor Marti J. Anderson (Massey University and PRIMER-e).

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Melita Peharda Uljević received the award for her contribution to natural sciences for the year 2022. The award was given for her research on bivalve ecology and sclerochronology – which was largely conducted in the framework of two CSF projects – SCOOL and BiVACME.

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New paper published in the Frontiers in Marine Science

Paper on scallop reproduction and growth publsihed in Frontiers in Marine Science. It contains data for three commercially important scallop species - Pecten jacobeaus, Aequipecten opercularis and Flexopecten glaber and presents an important insight into ecology of these species.

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Promotion of BiVACME project in media

As a part of promotion of book on bivalves, Dr Melita Peharda Uljević presented research conducted in a framework of BiVACME project at national TV. She talked about age and growth of long living bivalves including Glycymeris pilosa and Callista chione. Story was featured on HTV1 in show „Dobro jutro Hrvatska“ on October 3rd 2022.

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European Researchers' Night

BiVACME project was presented during the main European Researchers’ Night event in the city centre. Around 2000 visitors, mainly kids visited this event.

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Workshop for elementary school children

In a framework of Blue-connect project (European Researchers’ Night) Melita Peharda Uljević, Hana Uvanović and Krešimir Markulin visited elementary schools in Split, Kaštel Novi and Trogir. Through interactive workshop they introduced children to diversity of bivalves in the Adriatic Sea, their ecology and methods used in BiVACME project for studying growth and age of bivalves.

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BivACME on Virtual Sclerochronology Conference

Dr Hana Uvanović i Dr Krešimir Markulin presented results of their research at the Virtual Sclerochronology Conference for Early Career Researchers. Hana talked about developing chronologies based on growth increments in smooth clam Callista chione, while Krešo present results on geochemical analysis of warty venus shells (Venus verrucosa). BivACME project leader, Dr Melita Peharda Uljević participated in Panel session: Advice for early-career researchers and among other things talked about funding and projects financed by the Croatian Science Foundation.

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BivACME on ECSA 2022

Clea Lumina Denamiel participated at the ECSA 59. Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas that took place in San Sebastian, Spain. She gave oral presention on results of her modelling in a framework of BiVACME project.

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