
Previous research on oysters

Some team members have previously collaborated on the project COCOA - “Competition between native Ostrea edulis and invasive Crassostrea gigas oysters in the Adriatic Sea – effects on the ecosystem, fisheries, and aquaculture, funded by the Unity through Knowledge Fund and the World Bank. Within the COCOA project, the focus was on the interactions between the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and the native species Ostrea edulis. The project involved extensive field and laboratory work, resulting in published papers on the distribution, abundance, and aspects of genetics, reproduction, and feeding ecology of these oysters.

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3...2...1...Hey! Ho! Let's Go

Today marks the official start of the POPOyster project. This collaborative initiative unites scientists from five institutions across Europe, all dedicated to investigating the natural populations of European flat oysters. Their combined efforts seek to deepen their understanding of these populations, with the ultimate aim of protecting and developing effective management plans for the conservation of their habitats, which are gradually vanishing across Europe.

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